Nyaan's Library

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:heavy_check_mark: template/debug.hpp

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namespace DebugImpl {

template <typename U, typename = void>
struct is_specialize : false_type {};
template <typename U>
struct is_specialize<
    U, typename conditional<false, typename U::iterator, void>::type>
    : true_type {};
template <typename U>
struct is_specialize<
    U, typename conditional<false, decltype(U::first), void>::type>
    : true_type {};
template <typename U>
struct is_specialize<U, enable_if_t<is_integral<U>::value, void>> : true_type {

void dump(const char& t) { cerr << t; }

void dump(const string& t) { cerr << t; }

void dump(const bool& t) { cerr << (t ? "true" : "false"); }

void dump(__int128_t t) {
  if (t == 0) cerr << 0;
  if (t < 0) cerr << '-', t = -t;
  string S;
  while (t) S.push_back('0' + t % 10), t /= 10;
  reverse(begin(S), end(S));
  cerr << S;

void dump(__uint128_t t) {
  if (t == 0) cerr << 0;
  string S;
  while (t) S.push_back('0' + t % 10), t /= 10;
  reverse(begin(S), end(S));
  cerr << S;

template <typename U,
          enable_if_t<!is_specialize<U>::value, nullptr_t> = nullptr>
void dump(const U& t) {
  cerr << t;

template <typename T>
void dump(const T& t, enable_if_t<is_integral<T>::value>* = nullptr) {
  string res;
  if (t == Nyaan::inf) res = "inf";
  if constexpr (is_signed<T>::value) {
    if (t == -Nyaan::inf) res = "-inf";
  if constexpr (sizeof(T) == 8) {
    if (t == Nyaan::infLL) res = "inf";
    if constexpr (is_signed<T>::value) {
      if (t == -Nyaan::infLL) res = "-inf";
  if (res.empty()) res = to_string(t);
  cerr << res;

template <typename T, typename U>
void dump(const pair<T, U>&);
template <typename T>
void dump(const pair<T*, int>&);

template <typename T>
void dump(const T& t,
          enable_if_t<!is_void<typename T::iterator>::value>* = nullptr) {
  cerr << "[ ";
  for (auto it = t.begin(); it != t.end();) {
    cerr << (++it == t.end() ? "" : ", ");
  cerr << " ]";

template <typename T, typename U>
void dump(const pair<T, U>& t) {
  cerr << "( ";
  cerr << ", ";
  cerr << " )";

template <typename T>
void dump(const pair<T*, int>& t) {
  cerr << "[ ";
  for (int i = 0; i < t.second; i++) {
    cerr << (i == t.second - 1 ? "" : ", ");
  cerr << " ]";

void trace() { cerr << endl; }
template <typename Head, typename... Tail>
void trace(Head&& head, Tail&&... tail) {
  cerr << " ";
  if (sizeof...(tail) != 0) cerr << ",";

}  // namespace DebugImpl

#ifdef NyaanDebug
#define trc(...)                            \
  do {                                      \
    cerr << "## " << #__VA_ARGS__ << " = "; \
    DebugImpl::trace(__VA_ARGS__);          \
  } while (0)
#define trc(...) (void(0))

#ifdef NyaanLocal
#define trc2(...)                           \
  do {                                      \
    cerr << "## " << #__VA_ARGS__ << " = "; \
    DebugImpl::trace(__VA_ARGS__);          \
  } while (0)
#define trc2(...) (void(0))
#line 1 "template/debug.hpp"
namespace DebugImpl {

template <typename U, typename = void>
struct is_specialize : false_type {};
template <typename U>
struct is_specialize<
    U, typename conditional<false, typename U::iterator, void>::type>
    : true_type {};
template <typename U>
struct is_specialize<
    U, typename conditional<false, decltype(U::first), void>::type>
    : true_type {};
template <typename U>
struct is_specialize<U, enable_if_t<is_integral<U>::value, void>> : true_type {

void dump(const char& t) { cerr << t; }

void dump(const string& t) { cerr << t; }

void dump(const bool& t) { cerr << (t ? "true" : "false"); }

void dump(__int128_t t) {
  if (t == 0) cerr << 0;
  if (t < 0) cerr << '-', t = -t;
  string S;
  while (t) S.push_back('0' + t % 10), t /= 10;
  reverse(begin(S), end(S));
  cerr << S;

void dump(__uint128_t t) {
  if (t == 0) cerr << 0;
  string S;
  while (t) S.push_back('0' + t % 10), t /= 10;
  reverse(begin(S), end(S));
  cerr << S;

template <typename U,
          enable_if_t<!is_specialize<U>::value, nullptr_t> = nullptr>
void dump(const U& t) {
  cerr << t;

template <typename T>
void dump(const T& t, enable_if_t<is_integral<T>::value>* = nullptr) {
  string res;
  if (t == Nyaan::inf) res = "inf";
  if constexpr (is_signed<T>::value) {
    if (t == -Nyaan::inf) res = "-inf";
  if constexpr (sizeof(T) == 8) {
    if (t == Nyaan::infLL) res = "inf";
    if constexpr (is_signed<T>::value) {
      if (t == -Nyaan::infLL) res = "-inf";
  if (res.empty()) res = to_string(t);
  cerr << res;

template <typename T, typename U>
void dump(const pair<T, U>&);
template <typename T>
void dump(const pair<T*, int>&);

template <typename T>
void dump(const T& t,
          enable_if_t<!is_void<typename T::iterator>::value>* = nullptr) {
  cerr << "[ ";
  for (auto it = t.begin(); it != t.end();) {
    cerr << (++it == t.end() ? "" : ", ");
  cerr << " ]";

template <typename T, typename U>
void dump(const pair<T, U>& t) {
  cerr << "( ";
  cerr << ", ";
  cerr << " )";

template <typename T>
void dump(const pair<T*, int>& t) {
  cerr << "[ ";
  for (int i = 0; i < t.second; i++) {
    cerr << (i == t.second - 1 ? "" : ", ");
  cerr << " ]";

void trace() { cerr << endl; }
template <typename Head, typename... Tail>
void trace(Head&& head, Tail&&... tail) {
  cerr << " ";
  if (sizeof...(tail) != 0) cerr << ",";

}  // namespace DebugImpl

#ifdef NyaanDebug
#define trc(...)                            \
  do {                                      \
    cerr << "## " << #__VA_ARGS__ << " = "; \
    DebugImpl::trace(__VA_ARGS__);          \
  } while (0)
#define trc(...) (void(0))

#ifdef NyaanLocal
#define trc2(...)                           \
  do {                                      \
    cerr << "## " << #__VA_ARGS__ << " = "; \
    DebugImpl::trace(__VA_ARGS__);          \
  } while (0)
#define trc2(...) (void(0))
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