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:heavy_check_mark: Wildcard Pattern Matching

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#pragma once

#include <vector>
using namespace std;

#include "../modint/montgomery-modint.hpp"
#include "../ntt/ntt.hpp"

namespace WildcardPatternMatchingImpl {

template <typename Container, unsigned int MOD>
vector<int> inner(const Container& a, const Container& b,
                  const typename Container::value_type& wildcard = 0) {
  using mint = LazyMontgomeryModInt<MOD>;
  static NTT<mint> ntt;
  int N = a.size(), M = b.size();
  vector<mint> A1(N), A2(N), A3(N), B1(M), B2(M), B3(M);
  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    mint x = a[i] == wildcard ? 0 : a[i];
    mint y = a[i] == wildcard ? 0 : 1;
    A1[i] = y * x * x;
    A2[i] = y * x * (-2);
    A3[i] = y;
  for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
    mint x = b[i] == wildcard ? 0 : b[i];
    mint y = b[i] == wildcard ? 0 : 1;
    B1[M - 1 - i] = y;
    B2[M - 1 - i] = y * x;
    B3[M - 1 - i] = y * x * x;
  auto AB1 = ntt.multiply(A1, B1);
  auto AB2 = ntt.multiply(A2, B2);
  auto AB3 = ntt.multiply(A3, B3);
  vector<int> res(N - M + 1, 1);
  for (int i = 0; i < N - M + 1; i++) {
    mint x = AB1[i + M - 1] + AB2[i + M - 1] + AB3[i + M - 1];
    if (x != 0) res[i] = 0;
  return res;

// 返り値 : 長さ |a| - |b| + 1 の配列 c
// c[i] := a[i, i+|b|) b とマッチするならば 1, しなければ 0)
// wildcard は引数に入れる (default で 0)
template <typename Container>
vector<int> wildcard_pattern_matching(
    const Container& a, const Container& b,
    const typename Container::value_type& wildcard = 0) {
  if ((int)b.size() == 0) return vector<int>(a.size() + 1, 1);
  if (a.size() < b.size()) return {};
  vector<int> res1 = inner<Container, 998244353>(a, b, wildcard);
  vector<int> res2 = inner<Container, 924844033>(a, b, wildcard);
  vector<int> res3 = inner<Container, 1012924417>(a, b, wildcard);
  for (int i = 0; i < (int)res1.size(); i++) res1[i] &= res2[i] & res3[i];
  return res1;

}  // namespace WildcardPatternMatchingImpl

using WildcardPatternMatchingImpl::wildcard_pattern_matching;

 * @brief Wildcard Pattern Matching
#line 2 "string/wildcard-pattern-matching.hpp"

#include <vector>
using namespace std;

#line 2 "modint/montgomery-modint.hpp"

template <uint32_t mod>
struct LazyMontgomeryModInt {
  using mint = LazyMontgomeryModInt;
  using i32 = int32_t;
  using u32 = uint32_t;
  using u64 = uint64_t;

  static constexpr u32 get_r() {
    u32 ret = mod;
    for (i32 i = 0; i < 4; ++i) ret *= 2 - mod * ret;
    return ret;

  static constexpr u32 r = get_r();
  static constexpr u32 n2 = -u64(mod) % mod;
  static_assert(mod < (1 << 30), "invalid, mod >= 2 ^ 30");
  static_assert((mod & 1) == 1, "invalid, mod % 2 == 0");
  static_assert(r * mod == 1, "this code has bugs.");

  u32 a;

  constexpr LazyMontgomeryModInt() : a(0) {}
  constexpr LazyMontgomeryModInt(const int64_t &b)
      : a(reduce(u64(b % mod + mod) * n2)){};

  static constexpr u32 reduce(const u64 &b) {
    return (b + u64(u32(b) * u32(-r)) * mod) >> 32;

  constexpr mint &operator+=(const mint &b) {
    if (i32(a += b.a - 2 * mod) < 0) a += 2 * mod;
    return *this;

  constexpr mint &operator-=(const mint &b) {
    if (i32(a -= b.a) < 0) a += 2 * mod;
    return *this;

  constexpr mint &operator*=(const mint &b) {
    a = reduce(u64(a) * b.a);
    return *this;

  constexpr mint &operator/=(const mint &b) {
    *this *= b.inverse();
    return *this;

  constexpr mint operator+(const mint &b) const { return mint(*this) += b; }
  constexpr mint operator-(const mint &b) const { return mint(*this) -= b; }
  constexpr mint operator*(const mint &b) const { return mint(*this) *= b; }
  constexpr mint operator/(const mint &b) const { return mint(*this) /= b; }
  constexpr bool operator==(const mint &b) const {
    return (a >= mod ? a - mod : a) == (b.a >= mod ? b.a - mod : b.a);
  constexpr bool operator!=(const mint &b) const {
    return (a >= mod ? a - mod : a) != (b.a >= mod ? b.a - mod : b.a);
  constexpr mint operator-() const { return mint() - mint(*this); }
  constexpr mint operator+() const { return mint(*this); }

  constexpr mint pow(u64 n) const {
    mint ret(1), mul(*this);
    while (n > 0) {
      if (n & 1) ret *= mul;
      mul *= mul;
      n >>= 1;
    return ret;

  constexpr mint inverse() const {
    int x = get(), y = mod, u = 1, v = 0, t = 0, tmp = 0;
    while (y > 0) {
      t = x / y;
      x -= t * y, u -= t * v;
      tmp = x, x = y, y = tmp;
      tmp = u, u = v, v = tmp;
    return mint{u};

  friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const mint &b) {
    return os << b.get();

  friend istream &operator>>(istream &is, mint &b) {
    int64_t t;
    is >> t;
    b = LazyMontgomeryModInt<mod>(t);
    return (is);

  constexpr u32 get() const {
    u32 ret = reduce(a);
    return ret >= mod ? ret - mod : ret;

  static constexpr u32 get_mod() { return mod; }
#line 2 "ntt/ntt.hpp"

template <typename mint>
struct NTT {
  static constexpr uint32_t get_pr() {
    uint32_t _mod = mint::get_mod();
    using u64 = uint64_t;
    u64 ds[32] = {};
    int idx = 0;
    u64 m = _mod - 1;
    for (u64 i = 2; i * i <= m; ++i) {
      if (m % i == 0) {
        ds[idx++] = i;
        while (m % i == 0) m /= i;
    if (m != 1) ds[idx++] = m;

    uint32_t _pr = 2;
    while (1) {
      int flg = 1;
      for (int i = 0; i < idx; ++i) {
        u64 a = _pr, b = (_mod - 1) / ds[i], r = 1;
        while (b) {
          if (b & 1) r = r * a % _mod;
          a = a * a % _mod;
          b >>= 1;
        if (r == 1) {
          flg = 0;
      if (flg == 1) break;
    return _pr;

  static constexpr uint32_t mod = mint::get_mod();
  static constexpr uint32_t pr = get_pr();
  static constexpr int level = __builtin_ctzll(mod - 1);
  mint dw[level], dy[level];

  void setwy(int k) {
    mint w[level], y[level];
    w[k - 1] = mint(pr).pow((mod - 1) / (1 << k));
    y[k - 1] = w[k - 1].inverse();
    for (int i = k - 2; i > 0; --i)
      w[i] = w[i + 1] * w[i + 1], y[i] = y[i + 1] * y[i + 1];
    dw[1] = w[1], dy[1] = y[1], dw[2] = w[2], dy[2] = y[2];
    for (int i = 3; i < k; ++i) {
      dw[i] = dw[i - 1] * y[i - 2] * w[i];
      dy[i] = dy[i - 1] * w[i - 2] * y[i];

  NTT() { setwy(level); }

  void fft4(vector<mint> &a, int k) {
    if ((int)a.size() <= 1) return;
    if (k == 1) {
      mint a1 = a[1];
      a[1] = a[0] - a[1];
      a[0] = a[0] + a1;
    if (k & 1) {
      int v = 1 << (k - 1);
      for (int j = 0; j < v; ++j) {
        mint ajv = a[j + v];
        a[j + v] = a[j] - ajv;
        a[j] += ajv;
    int u = 1 << (2 + (k & 1));
    int v = 1 << (k - 2 - (k & 1));
    mint one = mint(1);
    mint imag = dw[1];
    while (v) {
      // jh = 0
        int j0 = 0;
        int j1 = v;
        int j2 = j1 + v;
        int j3 = j2 + v;
        for (; j0 < v; ++j0, ++j1, ++j2, ++j3) {
          mint t0 = a[j0], t1 = a[j1], t2 = a[j2], t3 = a[j3];
          mint t0p2 = t0 + t2, t1p3 = t1 + t3;
          mint t0m2 = t0 - t2, t1m3 = (t1 - t3) * imag;
          a[j0] = t0p2 + t1p3, a[j1] = t0p2 - t1p3;
          a[j2] = t0m2 + t1m3, a[j3] = t0m2 - t1m3;
      // jh >= 1
      mint ww = one, xx = one * dw[2], wx = one;
      for (int jh = 4; jh < u;) {
        ww = xx * xx, wx = ww * xx;
        int j0 = jh * v;
        int je = j0 + v;
        int j2 = je + v;
        for (; j0 < je; ++j0, ++j2) {
          mint t0 = a[j0], t1 = a[j0 + v] * xx, t2 = a[j2] * ww,
               t3 = a[j2 + v] * wx;
          mint t0p2 = t0 + t2, t1p3 = t1 + t3;
          mint t0m2 = t0 - t2, t1m3 = (t1 - t3) * imag;
          a[j0] = t0p2 + t1p3, a[j0 + v] = t0p2 - t1p3;
          a[j2] = t0m2 + t1m3, a[j2 + v] = t0m2 - t1m3;
        xx *= dw[__builtin_ctzll((jh += 4))];
      u <<= 2;
      v >>= 2;

  void ifft4(vector<mint> &a, int k) {
    if ((int)a.size() <= 1) return;
    if (k == 1) {
      mint a1 = a[1];
      a[1] = a[0] - a[1];
      a[0] = a[0] + a1;
    int u = 1 << (k - 2);
    int v = 1;
    mint one = mint(1);
    mint imag = dy[1];
    while (u) {
      // jh = 0
        int j0 = 0;
        int j1 = v;
        int j2 = v + v;
        int j3 = j2 + v;
        for (; j0 < v; ++j0, ++j1, ++j2, ++j3) {
          mint t0 = a[j0], t1 = a[j1], t2 = a[j2], t3 = a[j3];
          mint t0p1 = t0 + t1, t2p3 = t2 + t3;
          mint t0m1 = t0 - t1, t2m3 = (t2 - t3) * imag;
          a[j0] = t0p1 + t2p3, a[j2] = t0p1 - t2p3;
          a[j1] = t0m1 + t2m3, a[j3] = t0m1 - t2m3;
      // jh >= 1
      mint ww = one, xx = one * dy[2], yy = one;
      u <<= 2;
      for (int jh = 4; jh < u;) {
        ww = xx * xx, yy = xx * imag;
        int j0 = jh * v;
        int je = j0 + v;
        int j2 = je + v;
        for (; j0 < je; ++j0, ++j2) {
          mint t0 = a[j0], t1 = a[j0 + v], t2 = a[j2], t3 = a[j2 + v];
          mint t0p1 = t0 + t1, t2p3 = t2 + t3;
          mint t0m1 = (t0 - t1) * xx, t2m3 = (t2 - t3) * yy;
          a[j0] = t0p1 + t2p3, a[j2] = (t0p1 - t2p3) * ww;
          a[j0 + v] = t0m1 + t2m3, a[j2 + v] = (t0m1 - t2m3) * ww;
        xx *= dy[__builtin_ctzll(jh += 4)];
      u >>= 4;
      v <<= 2;
    if (k & 1) {
      u = 1 << (k - 1);
      for (int j = 0; j < u; ++j) {
        mint ajv = a[j] - a[j + u];
        a[j] += a[j + u];
        a[j + u] = ajv;

  void ntt(vector<mint> &a) {
    if ((int)a.size() <= 1) return;
    fft4(a, __builtin_ctz(a.size()));

  void intt(vector<mint> &a) {
    if ((int)a.size() <= 1) return;
    ifft4(a, __builtin_ctz(a.size()));
    mint iv = mint(a.size()).inverse();
    for (auto &x : a) x *= iv;

  vector<mint> multiply(const vector<mint> &a, const vector<mint> &b) {
    int l = a.size() + b.size() - 1;
    if (min<int>(a.size(), b.size()) <= 40) {
      vector<mint> s(l);
      for (int i = 0; i < (int)a.size(); ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < (int)b.size(); ++j) s[i + j] += a[i] * b[j];
      return s;
    int k = 2, M = 4;
    while (M < l) M <<= 1, ++k;
    vector<mint> s(M);
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)a.size(); ++i) s[i] = a[i];
    fft4(s, k);
    if (a.size() == b.size() && a == b) {
      for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i) s[i] *= s[i];
    } else {
      vector<mint> t(M);
      for (int i = 0; i < (int)b.size(); ++i) t[i] = b[i];
      fft4(t, k);
      for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i) s[i] *= t[i];
    ifft4(s, k);
    mint invm = mint(M).inverse();
    for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i) s[i] *= invm;
    return s;

  void ntt_doubling(vector<mint> &a) {
    int M = (int)a.size();
    auto b = a;
    mint r = 1, zeta = mint(pr).pow((mint::get_mod() - 1) / (M << 1));
    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) b[i] *= r, r *= zeta;
    copy(begin(b), end(b), back_inserter(a));
#line 8 "string/wildcard-pattern-matching.hpp"

namespace WildcardPatternMatchingImpl {

template <typename Container, unsigned int MOD>
vector<int> inner(const Container& a, const Container& b,
                  const typename Container::value_type& wildcard = 0) {
  using mint = LazyMontgomeryModInt<MOD>;
  static NTT<mint> ntt;
  int N = a.size(), M = b.size();
  vector<mint> A1(N), A2(N), A3(N), B1(M), B2(M), B3(M);
  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    mint x = a[i] == wildcard ? 0 : a[i];
    mint y = a[i] == wildcard ? 0 : 1;
    A1[i] = y * x * x;
    A2[i] = y * x * (-2);
    A3[i] = y;
  for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
    mint x = b[i] == wildcard ? 0 : b[i];
    mint y = b[i] == wildcard ? 0 : 1;
    B1[M - 1 - i] = y;
    B2[M - 1 - i] = y * x;
    B3[M - 1 - i] = y * x * x;
  auto AB1 = ntt.multiply(A1, B1);
  auto AB2 = ntt.multiply(A2, B2);
  auto AB3 = ntt.multiply(A3, B3);
  vector<int> res(N - M + 1, 1);
  for (int i = 0; i < N - M + 1; i++) {
    mint x = AB1[i + M - 1] + AB2[i + M - 1] + AB3[i + M - 1];
    if (x != 0) res[i] = 0;
  return res;

// 返り値 : 長さ |a| - |b| + 1 の配列 c
// c[i] := a[i, i+|b|) b とマッチするならば 1, しなければ 0)
// wildcard は引数に入れる (default で 0)
template <typename Container>
vector<int> wildcard_pattern_matching(
    const Container& a, const Container& b,
    const typename Container::value_type& wildcard = 0) {
  if ((int)b.size() == 0) return vector<int>(a.size() + 1, 1);
  if (a.size() < b.size()) return {};
  vector<int> res1 = inner<Container, 998244353>(a, b, wildcard);
  vector<int> res2 = inner<Container, 924844033>(a, b, wildcard);
  vector<int> res3 = inner<Container, 1012924417>(a, b, wildcard);
  for (int i = 0; i < (int)res1.size(); i++) res1[i] &= res2[i] & res3[i];
  return res1;

}  // namespace WildcardPatternMatchingImpl

using WildcardPatternMatchingImpl::wildcard_pattern_matching;

 * @brief Wildcard Pattern Matching
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