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:heavy_check_mark: math/enumerate-convex.hpp

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#pragma once

#include <functional>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

#include "stern-brocot-tree.hpp"

// 下向き凸包の頂点列挙
// (xl, yl) 始点, x in [xl, xr]
// inside(x, y) : (x, y) が凸包内部か?
// candicate(x, y, c, d) : (x, y) が凸包外部にあるとする。
// 凸包内部の点 (x + sc, y + sd) が存在すればそのような s を返す
// 存在しなければ任意の値 (-1 でもよい) を返す
template <typename Int>
vector<pair<Int, Int>> enumerate_convex(
    Int xl, Int yl, Int xr, const function<bool(Int, Int)>& inside,
    const function<Int(Int, Int, Int, Int)>& candicate) {
  assert(xl <= xr);

  // inside かつ x <= xr
  auto f = [&](Int x, Int y) { return x <= xr && inside(x, y); };

  // (a, b) から (c, d) 方向に進めるだけ進む
  auto go = [&](Int a, Int b, Int c, Int d) -> Int {
    assert(f(a, b));
    Int r = 1, s = 0;
    while (f(a + r * c, b + r * d)) r *= 2;
    while ((r /= 2) != 0) {
      if (f(a + r * c, b + r * d)) s += r, a += r * c, b += r * d;
    return s;

  // (a, b) が out, (a + c * k, b + d * k) が in とする
  // out の間進めるだけ進む
  auto go2 = [&](Int a, Int b, Int c, Int d, Int k) {
    assert(!inside(a, b) and inside(a + c * k, b + d * k));
    Int ok = 0, ng = k;
    while (ok + 1 < ng) {
      Int m = (ok + ng) / 2;
      (inside(a + c * m, b + d * m) ? ng : ok) = m;
    return ok;

  vector<pair<Int, Int>> ps;
  Int x = xl, y = yl;
  assert(inside(x, y) and go(x, y, 0, -1) == 0);
  ps.emplace_back(x, y);
  while (x < xr) {
    Int a, b;
    if (f(x + 1, y)) {
      a = 1, b = 0;
    } else {
      SternBrocotTreeNode<Int> sb;
      while (true) {
        assert(f(x + sb.lx, y + sb.ly));
        assert(!f(x + sb.rx, y + sb.ry));
        if (f(x + sb.lx + sb.rx, y + sb.ly + sb.ry)) {
          Int s = go(x + sb.lx, y + sb.ly, sb.rx, sb.ry);
          assert(s > 0);
        } else {
          Int s = candicate(x + sb.rx, y + sb.ry, sb.lx, sb.ly);
          if (s <= 0 || !inside(x + sb.lx * s + sb.rx, y + sb.ly * s + sb.ry)) {
            a = sb.lx, b = sb.ly;
          } else {
            Int t = go2(x + sb.rx, y + sb.ry, sb.lx, sb.ly, s);
    Int s = go(x, y, a, b);
    x += a * s, y += b * s;
    ps.emplace_back(x, y);
  return ps;
#line 2 "math/enumerate-convex.hpp"

#include <functional>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

#line 2 "math/stern-brocot-tree.hpp"

#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#line 6 "math/stern-brocot-tree.hpp"
using namespace std;

// x / y (x > 0, y > 0) を管理、デフォルトで 1 / 1
// 入力が互いに素でない場合は gcd を取って格納
// seq : (1, 1) から (x, y) へのパス。右の子が正/左の子が負
template <typename Int>
struct SternBrocotTreeNode {
  using Node = SternBrocotTreeNode;

  Int lx, ly, x, y, rx, ry;
  vector<Int> seq;

  SternBrocotTreeNode() : lx(0), ly(1), x(1), y(1), rx(1), ry(0) {}

  SternBrocotTreeNode(Int X, Int Y) : SternBrocotTreeNode() {
    assert(1 <= X && 1 <= Y);
    Int g = gcd(X, Y);
    X /= g, Y /= g;
    while (min(X, Y) > 0) {
      if (X > Y) {
        Int d = X / Y;
        X -= d * Y;
        go_right(d - (X == 0 ? 1 : 0));
      } else {
        Int d = Y / X;
        Y -= d * X;
        go_left(d - (Y == 0 ? 1 : 0));
  SternBrocotTreeNode(const pair<Int, Int> &xy)
      : SternBrocotTreeNode(xy.first, xy.second) {}
  SternBrocotTreeNode(const vector<Int> &_seq) : SternBrocotTreeNode() {
    for (const Int &d : _seq) {
      assert(d != 0);
      if (d > 0) go_right(d);
      if (d < 0) go_left(d);
    assert(seq == _seq);

  // pair<Int, Int> 型で分数を get
  pair<Int, Int> get() const { return make_pair(x, y); }
  // 区間の下限
  pair<Int, Int> lower_bound() const { return make_pair(lx, ly); }
  // 区間の上限
  pair<Int, Int> upper_bound() const { return make_pair(rx, ry); }

  // 根からの深さ
  Int depth() const {
    Int res = 0;
    for (auto &s : seq) res += abs(s);
    return res;
  // 左の子に d 進む
  void go_left(Int d = 1) {
    if (d <= 0) return;
    if (seq.empty() or seq.back() > 0) seq.push_back(0);
    seq.back() -= d;
    rx += lx * d, ry += ly * d;
    x = rx + lx, y = ry + ly;
  // 右の子に d 進む
  void go_right(Int d = 1) {
    if (d <= 0) return;
    if (seq.empty() or seq.back() < 0) seq.push_back(0);
    seq.back() += d;
    lx += rx * d, ly += ry * d;
    x = rx + lx, y = ry + ly;
  // 親の方向に d 進む
  // d 進めたら true, 進めなかったら false を返す
  bool go_parent(Int d = 1) {
    if (d <= 0) return true;
    while (d != 0) {
      if (seq.empty()) return false;
      Int d2 = min(d, abs(seq.back()));
      if (seq.back() > 0) {
        x -= rx * d2, y -= ry * d2;
        lx = x - rx, ly = y - ry;
        seq.back() -= d2;
      } else {
        x -= lx * d2, y -= ly * d2;
        rx = x - lx, ry = y - ly;
        seq.back() += d2;
      d -= d2;
      if (seq.back() == 0) seq.pop_back();
      if (d2 == Int{0}) break;
    return true;
  // SBT 上の LCA
  static Node lca(const Node &lhs, const Node &rhs) {
    Node n;
    for (int i = 0; i < min<int>(lhs.seq.size(), rhs.seq.size()); i++) {
      Int val1 = lhs.seq[i], val2 = rhs.seq[i];
      if ((val1 < 0) != (val2 < 0)) break;
      if (val1 < 0) n.go_left(min(-val1, -val2));
      if (val1 > 0) n.go_right(min(val1, val2));
      if (val1 != val2) break;
    return n;
  friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const Node &rhs) {
    os << "\n";
    os << "L : ( " << rhs.lx << ", " << rhs.ly << " )\n";
    os << "M : ( " << rhs.x << ", " << rhs.y << " )\n";
    os << "R : ( " << rhs.rx << ", " << rhs.ry << " )\n";
    os << "seq : {";
    for (auto &x : rhs.seq) os << x << ", ";
    os << "} \n";
    return os;
  friend bool operator<(const Node &lhs, const Node &rhs) {
    return lhs.x * rhs.y < rhs.x * lhs.y;
  friend bool operator==(const Node &lhs, const Node &rhs) {
    return lhs.x == rhs.x and lhs.y == rhs.y;

 *  @brief Stern-Brocot Tree
#line 9 "math/enumerate-convex.hpp"

// 下向き凸包の頂点列挙
// (xl, yl) 始点, x in [xl, xr]
// inside(x, y) : (x, y) が凸包内部か?
// candicate(x, y, c, d) : (x, y) が凸包外部にあるとする。
// 凸包内部の点 (x + sc, y + sd) が存在すればそのような s を返す
// 存在しなければ任意の値 (-1 でもよい) を返す
template <typename Int>
vector<pair<Int, Int>> enumerate_convex(
    Int xl, Int yl, Int xr, const function<bool(Int, Int)>& inside,
    const function<Int(Int, Int, Int, Int)>& candicate) {
  assert(xl <= xr);

  // inside かつ x <= xr
  auto f = [&](Int x, Int y) { return x <= xr && inside(x, y); };

  // (a, b) から (c, d) 方向に進めるだけ進む
  auto go = [&](Int a, Int b, Int c, Int d) -> Int {
    assert(f(a, b));
    Int r = 1, s = 0;
    while (f(a + r * c, b + r * d)) r *= 2;
    while ((r /= 2) != 0) {
      if (f(a + r * c, b + r * d)) s += r, a += r * c, b += r * d;
    return s;

  // (a, b) が out, (a + c * k, b + d * k) が in とする
  // out の間進めるだけ進む
  auto go2 = [&](Int a, Int b, Int c, Int d, Int k) {
    assert(!inside(a, b) and inside(a + c * k, b + d * k));
    Int ok = 0, ng = k;
    while (ok + 1 < ng) {
      Int m = (ok + ng) / 2;
      (inside(a + c * m, b + d * m) ? ng : ok) = m;
    return ok;

  vector<pair<Int, Int>> ps;
  Int x = xl, y = yl;
  assert(inside(x, y) and go(x, y, 0, -1) == 0);
  ps.emplace_back(x, y);
  while (x < xr) {
    Int a, b;
    if (f(x + 1, y)) {
      a = 1, b = 0;
    } else {
      SternBrocotTreeNode<Int> sb;
      while (true) {
        assert(f(x + sb.lx, y + sb.ly));
        assert(!f(x + sb.rx, y + sb.ry));
        if (f(x + sb.lx + sb.rx, y + sb.ly + sb.ry)) {
          Int s = go(x + sb.lx, y + sb.ly, sb.rx, sb.ry);
          assert(s > 0);
        } else {
          Int s = candicate(x + sb.rx, y + sb.ry, sb.lx, sb.ly);
          if (s <= 0 || !inside(x + sb.lx * s + sb.rx, y + sb.ly * s + sb.ry)) {
            a = sb.lx, b = sb.ly;
          } else {
            Int t = go2(x + sb.rx, y + sb.ry, sb.lx, sb.ly, s);
    Int s = go(x, y, a, b);
    x += a * s, y += b * s;
    ps.emplace_back(x, y);
  return ps;
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